This conference was organized in person as well as virtually. More than 20 participants and speakers joined this international conference from across the world.
This conference was our first hybrid conference of 2023. The Presenters presented their research papers physically and in online mode. Due to this the conference was a huge success.
Prof. Pooja Sharma, Joined as the Keynote speaker and Guest during the International conference. During her speech, she highlighted the importance of research and innovation in higher education.
The organizing Chairman and the Guest speaker congratulate the Best paper award winner. IGRNET also congratulate
· Award Winner: Mr. Tushar Khatri, Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurugram, Haryana, India
· Paper title: Analytical Comparison of different types of EVs on the Basis of Driving Cycle: Indian EV Scenario
The Organizing Chairman gave a vote of thanks and appreciated the active participation and input of the participant. The presence helped the Organizer to make this event a great success. The organizer found the conference informative and worthwhile.
To join the upcoming IGRNET Conference and events, send your interest to: and visit
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